sunlighten infrared sauna


Because infrared sauna therapy heats the body directly rather than simply warming the air, it raises the core body temperature and produces a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where most toxins reside. In addition, far infrared saunas aid in blood pressure reduction & weight loss, burning up to 600 calories in one session!

Sunlighten's far infrared technology, Solocarbon®, is the only infrared sauna heater on the market clinically shown to raise core temperature nearly 3 degrees. What does this mean for your health? You will experience the most detoxifying sweat, lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure and aid in weight loss through waistline reduction.

The most advanced infrared therapy available is Solocarbon 3-in-1 infrared treatments.  The infrared spectrum consists of near (NIR), mid (MIR), and far (FIR) waves, each with distinct characteristics and health benefits.  Sunlighten offers all three peak wavelengths for the maximum therapeutic results.

The benefits from Infrared are so wide ranged, one can say that it is the one of the most simple yet beneficial tool to improve your overall health.

Sessions typically start with 20 mins and can go up to 45 mins. Please hydrate before coming!

Book Your Appointment Below

If you do not see an ideal time option, please text Kayla at 209-535-6356, as there may be more options than listed below. Thank you!
